
"Cheaters Never Prosper"

Monday 26 December 2016

Hope is Smiling...

Hope Smiles From the Threshold of the Year to Come, Whispering, 'It Will Be Happier.' - Alfred Lord Tennyson

Monday 19 December 2016


Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem - Henry Kissinger

Sunday 18 December 2016

BEWARE Of The History You Make

BEWARE of the History You Make!
Something You Left Behind,
That is Always Following You

Saturday 17 December 2016

Friday 16 December 2016

Live For A Reason

LIVE For a Reason... 
The fear of Dying For Nothing is the Ugliest Fear of All!

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Defining Success

"Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming,"
- John Wooden

Tuesday 13 December 2016

5 Things You Should NOT Keep Out of Reach of Children

By Kisakason Salim

Children are lovely and dear to us. They act as our comforts, our friends, our helpers, companions, entertainers and in some cases, educators. The list is endless.
In that case, we are normally worried about what we expect from our children. But, do we really care about what kids need the most from us? Is it just food, clothes and a babysitter? Let’s find out…
While ‘keeping’ is narrowly confined to ensuring that an entity is physically okay (doesn’t matter whether it is livestock, tree nursery or else) by merely providing the basic needs for survival, ‘upbringing’ is far more demanding and involving. It takes a lot more for a child to live as a happy and integral member of a society, and hence develop into a responsible, stable and generally successful grown-up.
These five points bring all the difference between ‘keeping’ and ‘upbringing’ or ‘raising’ a child;

1.       Basic Human Needs
 The basics of life like food, shelter and clothing are necessary for survival and growth of each and every one of us. It is common sense that we are obliged to give our children all the things they need, feeding them when they're hungry, and keeping them clean, warm and dry. These are things that they cannot find or afford for themselves, so adults are fully responsible to provide and make sure they grow and thrive.
That is number one.

2.       Learning
Education is a matter of information and exposure. Keeping children up-to-date with necessary information and skills pertaining their surrounding is the most valuable thing you can do to them, as the elders said ‘Knowledge is Power’.
During the tender age, kids are eager to learn and everything surrounding them is an opportunity to learn. Obviously not all kids are ready at the same age for different kinds of training. The point here is that they initially depend on their parents or guardians and their older friends in everything they are supposed/need to learn, starting from communication, to toilet teaching, and table manners.
So it is upon adult to make sure that their children access to proper learning environment and facilities, such as toys, books, tours & events, playgrounds, some friends and the likes, plus formal institutions i.e. schools and daycare. Even providing family routines counts as an important update.
 Nevertheless, strict care must be taken that they are being exposed to ONLY constructive instructors and materials. And IF learning needs to go ‘the hard way’, we need to be certain that we really need to, after carefully calculation of the consequences.

3.       Safety and Security
It’s important to ensure that our children are safe from all forms of danger, that they get any help that they need, and make them feel safe when they are scared or upset.
Children need constant surveillance around them. Someone trustworthy must always be there to look after them, be it in their physical location or in the IT world (like TV and internet).
 For kids, feeling safe and secure enable them to enjoy the world around them. They grow up happy and healthy, and learn to trust other people. Anxiety and unhappiness is bad for their health and learning, even if it is for a few minutes. The sooner they are comforted the safer they will feel.

4.       Love and Care
No doubt we love our kids, and we care about them. Although we make efforts by various means to meet their basic needs (this really is a hard struggle for some parents), we also need to SHOW THEM that we care and we love them. Babies and toddlers need to know there is someone who loves them and that their needs will be met as soon as possible.
Babies can’t talk. Their only way of expressing that something is wrong with them is crying. They will normally cry for hours every day. Parents and guardians need to be fast to figure out whatever might be wrong.  Make sure the diaper is clean and comfortable, check if they are in pain, hungry or have a fever (and seek medical assistance), cover them in a soft cloth and hold them, a little walk-around or a bath, provide toys or gentle baby swing, sing or hum quietly. Even if they won't stop crying, just love them anyway!
Toddlers and older children need lots of affection to remind them that you care. Things like assistance when they get stuck with something, playing games with them, sharing funny stories and holding their hands when out walking help children to feel loved and comfortable, and are all good ways to show that you care.
It is wise for parents to think about their own childhoods, and ask themselves; ‘how can I be a good parent for my children?’ Treating children around you with lots of hugs, kisses and cuddles might feel strange if you weren't bought up like that. All you are advised to do is keep doing it; it will feel natural with time.

5.       Attention and Appreciation
Your children are happy when you are pleased with them. If you show attention and appreciation when they are doing their best, it will make them want to do it again.
Always pay attention to what your kids do or say.
Praise your children for being good, give them gifts, rewards and special treatments, so that they will strive to be better, and have a good feeling about themselves. Consequently they will tend to be more self-confident, learn more easily, make more effort to attain their goals, get into less trouble, get on well with others, socialize more easily with strangers, and feel happier and more secure.

Our Children, Our Future!!!

Best player of the year. 2016 Ballon d'Or winner - Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7)

Cristiano Ronaldo, the 31-year-old Portugal and real Madrid's soccer star has won the Ballon d'Or for the fourth time, now one step behind Barcelona's Messi, who won the prestigious award for a fifth time last year.
in the past, Ronaldo took the honour in 2008, 2013, and 2014.

Be a System That is In Full Control of Your Mind

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Saturday 10 December 2016

WELCOME to WorldWildWords!

Hi everyone!

Welcome to WorldWildWords blog, sit back and be ready for some cool stuff...